Thursday, December 23, 2010


It is finally here. Now after a few days of stressfulness- it finally feels like Christmas break. I discovered that I really need to chill the eff about stuff sometimes. Like, as soon as we left school, I was thinkin "I have _____ work for _____ class to do-why arn't I doing it". Really now self-is that any way to spend senior year?
Arabic is finally over. Thank God. That was a semester's worth of ridiculousness. I realllllly hope college is not like Arabic class-if so that won't work out at all.
In other to-be-published news, I've heard back from 5 of my 6 applied colleges, which means, YES, I heard from UofM! Yeah they deferred me. Lol. I was really sad for one day, and then bitter, and to be honest the bitterness is still wearing off, but I've come to terms with it. And hey! I'm getting interviewed by some Duke guy next week! Yeah, if I got deferred from UofM, same thing will probably happen with Duke, but at least they care enough to count my personality ;D
Break is pretty chill so far. Spending alot of time at home, went sledding, had a girl's sleepover (which turned out to be pretty awesome), finished AP Euro homework (HUGE accomplishment) and and and finished Christmas shopping!
I got my brother the COOLEST thing. This!

The Limited-Edition-Only-At-Target-Red-and-Clear-Nerf-VULCAN-EBF-25!!!
And I thought of it before my parents. Hehehe.
I also finished Rahul's gift! And that's all on that subject :D
Christmas will be really great :) I hope everyone is well and all flights are safe and everyone feels warm and fuzzy inside! <3

I think I've finally settled down with life. I'm not freaking out about colleges anymore, and while I know I still have to try, I'm not gonna rule my life with that thought. It's a nice feeling that everything is going to be ok.

Christmas love is cool :D. I'm gonna go to bed now cause it's 4am. Goodnight, and have a good day today :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Heh. Turns out that last blog about my complaining actually got totally resolved. The DVD situation was fixed and the final: take home!!

I'm in such a spectacular mood right now it's ridiculous. I'm in a mood where "I turn off my computer-get up to go to bed-and think-hey I wanna blog about this happy feeling which is overflowing out of my heart and making every lil cell in my body smile". Maybe that's a bit to detailed. Well, I at least hope my cells are smiling. Or a majority of them. Anywho. This probably has to do with Rahul (who I probably talk about too much but thats ok). I don't know man. Maybe it's the plain white t's song that has been on repeat for the past half hour. Maybe it's that happy blog that Patti finally linked me to with all the pretty pictures that make your heart smile. But I mean, damn, this is a happy feeling. What a switch from yesterday. Basically, yesterday I got all worked up over a kind of little thing because I am a woman and that little thing was the feather to fall upon my crying pile. Poof. But now, everything is ok.

Dang...everything is ok. Like seriously, at this very moment, I couldn't tell you a single thing wrong with my life if I tried. Wow. Maybe that chicken my mom made for dinner was drugged. But really now! Is it silly of me to wanna smile like an idiot and hug people and smile at everyone on the street(which I do usually, but with more happiness than usual)? I'd say this is quite a lovely feeling. Which reminds me, I need to watch Love Actually before Christmas. OHH I'm so excited! You know, my family has this tradition of watching A Muppets Christmas Carol, the night of Christmas, after the rest of my family has gone to their homes. It's gonna be great, just the six of us (don't forget Poco and Chewy!) on the couch, watching the Muppets, together. Haha I sound like such a sap! But you know what! That's ok, because everything is ok, and I'm in love and it's Christmas time.

I hope you had a good day today. Because after all, it is Thursday :)

P.S. Something from my childhood that I hope makes you smile (worth the copy and paste!):

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Essence of Complaint

I am currently killin time before sleepiness, bloggin, facebookin, and listening to the love actually soundtrack because it makes my heart feel all fuzzy and warm and happy. Yay happy hearts :)
However, I am in a bit of a pickle (which is a nice change from the recent career catastrophe) WHICH BY THE WAY. Didn't get resolved at all. I had a small possible epiphany, but changed my mind, until Sunday, when I got the best advice so far. My friend Mike said "Marianne, be you, and be happy. You have alot going to you and shouldn't stress, because the future will work itself out." And so for now, I'm chilling on the matter.
Back to the pickle. Actually multiple pickles all related to one giant pickle. Like a vegetable tray. I have 3 more Arabic classes left in this semester.
Vegetable 1) The teacher has yet to tell us when the final is.
Vegetable 2) He refuses to give us a study guide.
Vegetable 3) We just started a new book today. Which apparently, will have most of the final material in it. Mind you we have 3 classes left.
Vegetable 4) The used book I ordered like 4 months ago was supposed to come with a DVD. I didn't realize this until today. It did however come with a creepy distorted kodak picture of a nice looking girl and this ugly curly haired kid with (what I assume to be) a worm that was once submerged in tequila, now stuck up his nose. What the hell.
Vegetable 5) The DVD that I should have obtained has most of the material for the final on it.

So I'm this normal for a college class? I really don't want to be complaining if it is. But I never expected a professor to be so sporadic and unpredictable with the subject matter. Like seriously, he hasn't told us when the final will be. 3 classes left.

My question for you: my fault or the professor's? Am I unprepared or is this situation as odd as I think it is? Advice is appreciated.