Thursday, May 7, 2009

You've Got Me Speechless (No,seriously, you do)

Yesterday, I had a cough. Ohhh myy scary cough! I figured it’d go away, so I went about my daily life, talking to everyone I knew and going to play practice (I’m in “The Sneetches” by Dr. Seuss, fun times XD) The next day (being today) I woke up and couldn’t talk. And I thought “Well hey! I can go a day without verbal communication, why not try it?” So I walked around school all day with a steno notebook and pen, writing down everything I wanted to say, but not quite everything, because 1) I have terrible penmanship and 2) Not everything is necessary to say. It was actually pretty dang interesting to tell you the truth! I was laughing inside all day (cause it kinda hurts to laugh out loud, but that’s one thing I can’t suppress) Everyone’s reactions were different. My parents began talking slower and, dear gosh, SO. much. louder! And they knew it, which just made it better. Some people asked yes or no questions, some people carried on a conversation with me like normal, and some people just didn't talk much. A few of my friends made fun of me, a bit (or a lot, depending on how much ya hang around em =P) But the majority of them made their best attempts at trying to read my scrawl-of-a penmanship, exaggerated hand gestures and mouthings of what I needed to communicate. Which I greatly appreciated =D. To tell ya the truth, I really, really like my voice and miss it, and hope it comes home soon. It wasen’t terrible or anything, I just got annoyed when I couldn’t comment on something someone said, or make a sound. I had no idea how many times I say things without actually saying anything! Like when my friend started tickling me and I couldn’t laugh too hard, or when I spilled tea on myself (which happened TWICE today!) and not being able to yell oh frick. Lets hope I get my voice back tomorrow, but if I don’t, lets hope I’m better at writing with a magic marker than a pen.

On a somewhat/totally unrelated note, I feel tomorrow is gonna be a great start to a gooooood part of the year. Summer in 6 weeks people, it is going to be one hell of a good one, so lets get ready ;)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hello there!

Welcome to my blog =) This is the first post here, so bear with me please. I'm very glad ya found my blog! I used to have another blog (called Look Before You Swing The Spike,LOVED that title!) but deleted it and decided to make a new one, and so became Smidgen of Myself. I'm hoping I'll actually write somethin worth reading in here. But being as it is the first post, I'll just start off with an old standard, 17 facts about well, me. Now usually its 25 or 10 but were gonna mix it up a bit(entertaining I know) I'll try to make this as interesting as possible, but cmon, its a how do ya do blog. Here we go.

1)I'm a hand-talker.
2)I am,quite happily,in highschool and really love it.
3)I'm on a boat. XD
4)I’m half Italian, 12.5% Irish and the rest English. Yay for mutts!
5)I'm quite a positive person, sometimes I think too optimistically but why not? Life is short,be happy.
6)Someday I hope I am able to visit Italy,England,Ireland,Spain,India,South Africa,Brazil,and Australia. That might take awhile.
7)The best thoughts come late at night/early in the mornin.
8)Languages are amazing. Maybe someday I'll be a translater or something,that'd be a sweet job.
9)I sincerly hope this isn't boring, I'll write a real post soon.
10)I consider myself pretty dang blessed.
11)I have a microsoft zune-it's my baby.
12)I'm come to discover that impulsivity is highly underrated.
13)and so is an good,cold can of Mountain Holler.Highly.Underrated.
14)I love my people. (See next three facts for more details)
15)I'm a big fan of this certain boy named Rahul. Well,my boy to be exact. He makes me smile. Alot. =D
16)My family is the greatest. You'll probably hear alot about them,we're all pretty dang tight.I love em to death.
17)On the subject of people, I have the most magnificent,awesomest, kick-arse-est friends ever. They're my family in addition to my biological familia =) You'll probably hear alot about them too. Honestly,I'd be very lost in this world without them.

Well thats all I got for now. Goodnight to ya,and have a happy Sunday.