Friday, November 6, 2009

I have a story to tell

it's not very long, its about all the Sneetches and what they did wrong! Just kidding, that was last years story. Today's story however is one filled with adventure,excitement,and death-defying feats (as well as car trouble).
It's Friday. As usual it took everyone after school a reallllly long time to figure out what we were gonna do. We made it out to the parking lot and me and Rahul jumped in his perfectly-reversed-in-the-7th-spot-from-the-school-car (he was very proud) and started to drive off to Gatorville. Why the heck were we going to Gatorville? Wellll I don't knoooooooooooooooow! Anywho we went on our way,decided to turn around and head towards Northville,only to call people and find out they didn't wanna go. SO we turned around again (after going through a roundabout about 7 times) and went to this park to wait for everyone to figure out a logical plan. I wanted to go explore the forest, so we get out and we're walkin around and talking and blahblablablah. Then at one point Rahul turns around and we both see this dude in a GORILLA SUIT stalking us. I KID YOU NOT. It was damn freaky. He was wearing this really creepy bloody gorilla mask. Our initial reaction was "Oh, hey hows it goin?" He kept trying to hide behind a tree, occasionally peaking off to the side. Since he wouldn't talk, and we were honestly a tad creeped out, we started walking back to the car. And he followed us. Then I just waved bye and he waved in a creepy gorilla fashion back. And we got in the car and drove to Gatorville. What the eff.
We discovered an abandoned building on our way to Gatorville, explored a bit, then continued onward (because of the truck that was there). Shadyy. So once we get to Gatorville we wanna explore some more right? We started walking down this ATV-lookin trail-it went on forever. We just kept walkin and walkin and it never ended. It must've been like a trail for the powerline matinence, right by the freeway too. SHADYYYYYY. And the rest of the group had been walkin on the other side of the forest! Great minds, ya know. We chilled for a bit then left to meet up with the other third of the group. When the car turned on, "Down" was playing. So flippin shady yet awesome!!!
Only bad thing that happened today is Rahul's car broke =( my dad looked at it (yay father-boyfriend-ly bonding) and they figured it out,but it still kinda sucks.

Quite the shady day-I liked it though.

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