Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why Today Was Awesome

It's 11:24, I need sleep desperately, but I need to get this down before I forget.

1) School was easy, lots of movies, lots of pre-Halloween candy
2) I drove myself to school and felt a unrestrained sense of freedom whilst doing so
3) We took down the field hockey stuff and I got to see jv again =) I also may be in the running for an assistant coach position next year.
4) Juhee is a cool chick.
5) I'm gonna be bat girl for Halloween. NANANANANANANANANANANA!
6) Me and Rahul hung out which created an afternoon/evening of euphoria,no kiddin
7) FREE JIMMY JOHNS!!! so dang good
8) We saw Andrea at work! and I learned how to correctly play a G chord!
9) Rahul and I (correct grammar for all you freaks) sat on a park bench in Northville and it was really fun
10) We got to drive the Edge too! Specialness!
11) The trees are gorgeous so we went to a park and went tree watching
12) It felt like a spring day!
13) Nonni's surgery went well =D
14) My mom didn't mind that I got home late
15) My Dad bought more candy from greenfield village
16) I found $20 in my pocket
17) Rahul is considering not taking linear algebra, score one for the underachievers!
18) "Down" came on the radio as soon as I turned it on
19) TV was really funny today
20) We're 2 days from the weekend
21) Studying was pretty easy cause I'm in such a happy mood
22) I feel really carpe-diemy and really giggly and really frickin happy
23) I have a semi-conversation with Jonathan Larson's sister. THE JULIE LARSON. Her brother Jonathan wrote RENT!. Big deal. Huge deal. She said that "she is always happy to hear about young people who love rent, its what Jonathan would've wanted" I cried.
24) Owl City has really cool lyrics like

then we'll take a long walk through the cornfield,
and I'll kiss you between the ears <3

I feel very content, very excited for life, very grateful for this day, very in love, and very not caring if this post is a paint splatter of happiness across this blog....cause life is cool like that.

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