Monday, October 19, 2009

Just Harvestin' Some Pineapples...

Oh farmville. Such a blessing...and yet such a curse. I've discovered the wonderful prosperity of being a pineapple farmer who specializes in diffrent flavored cows. I'd love to do that as a career =D but the farming business is a tricky one, gonna stick with plan A.
Today I figured out what I'm going to write about for NanoWrimo! You're supposed to write about something you know right? And while I am lacking in giant chunks of time to devote to this, I ruled out any plot ideas that involved research and/or a major amount of thinking. Which brought me to the I-Really-Hope-This-Isn't-Copying-Sourik's-Idea-Idea. I've decided to make an account of the adventures of the past 1-2 years of myself and my friends. It shall be divided up into sections, and basically be a short story collection that all have something to do with eachother. Names will be changed,but I'll be having fun with that XD. Hopefully it won't turn out to be another stupid teenager books-I want it to be deeper than that. A memoir almost. I'm excited XD
After spending a good 20 minutes harvesting my pineapple-y crops (while multitasking of course...) I've decided to actually start on some work. OH! So I did that status calculator thing on facebook and the 5 words I use most are "happy,day,today,excited,and good". I sure sound optimistic...which I am. Yay.


  1. Is it conceited to say that that totally reminded me on my own NaNoWriMo post? Well it did.

    Just remember, you have to find the meaning behind the experiences! Not just reiterate them. There's a little Mrs. Volansky's wisdom there.

  2. Not completely like Sourik (:
    I still don't know what I'm going to do. I have ideas swimming in my head that all suck and are very unformed. I will probably use one and make a piece of crap! But it's cool that all of you guys are doing Nano! PUMPED! Yours should be awesome because you have such amazing friends! *cough*me*cough*
