Friday, July 30, 2010

It's been awhile...

Since a certain boyfriend of mine (of the Rahul-persuasion) decided to be a creeper and read my ancient blogs, I've been reminded of how fun they were to write =) so I'm back online! at least for this post. A lot has happened since November of 2009. I finished junior year of high school (holy crap) finished my two APs (4 in bio and 5 in lang, woooo), started summer, got a job, went to the UP, went on a canoe trip, came home, and now I'm here!
It's been a crazy week; I was in Rifle River on an amaaaaaazing canoe trip with some awesome people. We canoed, tubed, flipped each other over, camped, played confusing camp fire games, chilled, had mass outside, had a Jesus Rave, and watched shooting starts together. I got back on Thursday, worked today, and missed hangout with Patti in AA (=''''''() but I did get to chill with the previously mentioned boyfriend before he went on his mini-vacation/college tour/grad party thing. And he got me a chocolate cupcake!! which was my dinner tonight btw (probably one of the best dietary decisions I've made all week). I am also now the proud mother of a baby cloud named Moon Bounce. I'm very worried about how he will adjust to his new life in here. Parenting brings alot of worries, even for cloud parents (hehe).
This weekend shall bring a Saturday of working and calling people to adjust my all-of-a-sudden-jam-packed-schedule, and then a Sunday of finding out who is still in town that I can hang with/possible AP Euro work. Aren't I a normal teenager!! Uh I guess that's all for now.

Here's a picture of Cloudy before he floated on home! He has his father's eyes...isn't that adorable!

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