Saturday, February 12, 2011

Life Right Now

Heyy. So this blog may be a lil hard to write, because my contacts are shiftinbg around like crazy and my mascara keeps sticking my eye lids together. Ehhhhh haha.

Today started as a meh day, then went to a bad day, then quickly picked up into a great day. Earlier today was my Grandma's memorial service. It was really, really nice. I'm used to Catholic funerals but the Methodist ones are ok too :) The only bad part I was the only person crying, like realllllly crying. Pretty sure I was PMS-ing, but whatever. I just kept getting angrier that I was crying and it made it worse lol but it's ok :) Because Patti and Thomas were there to hug me! hehe
Then I got to catch up with my cousins from Ohio, which was cool. Later I chilled with all the younger cousins, all 15 of them lol I really love my family :)

Later, I went to Rahul's house for his 18th birthday party!! Crazy stuff lol But it was a really good night. I just like where everything is at this point of the year, like, despite the occasions freak outs over little things, its good =)
I also determined I really like talking to people outside of my immediate friend circle! Like Jordan and Achyut!

The world is filled with really cool people. :)

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