Thursday, June 25, 2009

Can you say "epic fail"?

Sure ya can. I haven't been writing in this thing nearly as much as I intended,but hey! Now its summer and life is good(its always been good,its just better now) and time is not of the essence. Time is my friend now. And you know how I love my friends! Just a quick update,summer is goin pretty dang good. I've hung out every single day and accomplished things and have had adventures! Woohoo! I'm pretty dang happy. I've been workin out too(gasp!) big deal for me kinda. Lets hope by the end of summer I have a body like Megan Fox (...pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff! ) Also, I have discovered Led Zeppelin. Dear God. I can't believe how much stuff there is to discover in the world that has overwhelming levels of awesomeness. Wow this is structured. Anywho, I can actually say it is all completely good right now (now lets pep around the corner and check if irony wants to stop by and eff everythin up) Not yet though! I'm at a weekend in this summer of amazingness though, where many of my compadres are out of the country/state/immediate area. But that's ok,cause I still have peps here =) Lets see though.. I have people in Lebanon,China,Japan,Toronto,Mackinac Island,Wisconsin,and "Up North" (which, if you don't live in Michigan,is basically anywhere north of like...the middle of the mitten) Quite the globetrotters. I hope they all get home safe =)
But now,lets talk about the joys of driving. I went on my first drive alone today,and my gosh it was great. I had such a sense of freedom ya know? Like I could drive across the country (or across town)spontaneously(not that I would anyway) Nice feeling anyway. Such an accomplishment was celebrated with some damn good iced teas, ACO Hardware, and a really good driving mix. And accidentally/coincidentally/worked-out-really-well-ly meeting up at ACO with this one guy who doesn't fail at life at all and is a very big fan of Arnold Palmers (;)) Another convenience of driving!
Summer is good.
Love is lovely.
Life is great.

1 comment:

  1. Psht. Marianne. You already have a body like Megan Fox! (if this isn't me trying to be awkward, I don't know what is)
