Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Joys of the Homefront

I've been hangin out ALOT around the house this week. I don't mind it that much, but have you ever had that feeling of I-have-a-million-things-I-could-be-doing-right-now-but-for-the-life-of-me-can't-remember-any-of-them? I get that all the time around here now. I almost did my AP Lang homework yesterday. Almost. I find myself trying to learn keyboard,doing absolutely nothing at all,and cooking alot more than usual. I have sweet potato muffins in the oven right now =D It's exciting. You would think that I'd help around the house and clean and whatnot...sheesh what the heck Marianne. So I went in a storm drain. It was kinda cool actually, I mean atleast it wasen't a sewer. It looked out onto a wonderful concrete block and a pretty lil creek. My feet got all wet and meh though. I assume I shall be visiting the storm drain again sometime.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Orange Soda: Drink It,Love It

Atleast thats what the can is telling you to do. Don't worry though Meijer brand orange pop,I loves you!!
I'm back from you UP,got home around 4 on Saturday and just remembered to blog today! I had a crazy weekend and alright Monday but Tuesday has me down. OH LORDY PICK A BAIL OF COTTON NEVERMIND! At this moment,as I typed,plans have been made,and Tuesday has been salvaged. I love twists. Anywho this week I've stayed at home alot cause my Grandma is in the hospital (=( ) I'm pretty positive about it though,shes quite healthily strong for a 90 year old so lets keep the optimism =)
As I was sayin earlier,Saturday was pretty crazy,in good and bad ways. A bit o drama with the gang, but that has to happen every 5 or ten years ya know? Gets rid of bad blood. (heh ohh Godfather) I still miss people though,like Beisi and Kristen and a few of my other friends who are girls...I haven't had girl time in awhile..I should get on that.
Sooo UP trip overview! Lots of Godfather,wayyyy too much food,and a whole lotta togetherness. I went with my parents,brother,aunt,cousin,and Nonni and Papa. I think were a bit too tight for our own good. By day 7 everyone wanted to kill eachother =D (jk...well...kinda) Overall-it was a great trip. Only flaw was missing people back home,missing Poco and Chewy (my dog and cat) and a bit of frustration. Its alright now though. I just noticed I only blog when I'm happy lately,not when I need to vent. Weird. I have no array of emotions apparently. Ahwell.
My cousin just sent me a link to the Narwhale song,I'll have to check that out soon.

Friday, July 3, 2009

In The Groove Again

Earlier this week (well,I supposed its earlier last week now,being that its Sunday) I feel like I fell outta my summer groove. I did something everyday and was havin a whole lotta fun, but there was this underlying tone of dread...but the kind of this-will-end-in-a-few-short-weeks dread. Danggit. I hate that kinda dread. It frustrated me,cause when you get that underlying tone you can't shake it! I consider myself a pretty positive,live in the moment type person, so as you can imagine I was pretty ticked at myself.
(Usually, I would put alas as the next word here. Yet I just looked it up on and "alas" is an interjection used to express sorrow or grief, and the next part of this isn't sorrowful! So,no more alas. Sorry little interjection.)
Now once we got to Thursday night, the groove was back. Phew,false alarm. Funny though,there was a bit of friend drama that day (which I am not a fan of) at this BBQ my family had. The day ended around 2am though, and I've come to discover that the best days never end. True fact dude. So it was back to good and I was back in the groove. I gotta stay in this zone now,can't slip back into underlying dread tones(that'd be a cool name for a band wouldn't it? Sounds kinda similar to somethin though...) Living in the moment now, this has to last us throughout the next year people. Carpe diem and all that carp alright? =)
Gotta remember to blog more before I leave for the UP too(10 days without internet,dear gosh!)
I'm a happy kid...and I hope you have a good week =D