Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Orange Soda: Drink It,Love It

Atleast thats what the can is telling you to do. Don't worry though Meijer brand orange pop,I loves you!!
I'm back from you UP,got home around 4 on Saturday and just remembered to blog today! I had a crazy weekend and alright Monday but Tuesday has me down. OH LORDY PICK A BAIL OF COTTON NEVERMIND! At this moment,as I typed,plans have been made,and Tuesday has been salvaged. I love twists. Anywho this week I've stayed at home alot cause my Grandma is in the hospital (=( ) I'm pretty positive about it though,shes quite healthily strong for a 90 year old so lets keep the optimism =)
As I was sayin earlier,Saturday was pretty crazy,in good and bad ways. A bit o drama with the gang, but that has to happen every 5 or ten years ya know? Gets rid of bad blood. (heh ohh Godfather) I still miss people though,like Beisi and Kristen and a few of my other friends who are girls...I haven't had girl time in awhile..I should get on that.
Sooo UP trip overview! Lots of Godfather,wayyyy too much food,and a whole lotta togetherness. I went with my parents,brother,aunt,cousin,and Nonni and Papa. I think were a bit too tight for our own good. By day 7 everyone wanted to kill eachother =D (jk...well...kinda) Overall-it was a great trip. Only flaw was missing people back home,missing Poco and Chewy (my dog and cat) and a bit of frustration. Its alright now though. I just noticed I only blog when I'm happy lately,not when I need to vent. Weird. I have no array of emotions apparently. Ahwell.
My cousin just sent me a link to the Narwhale song,I'll have to check that out soon.

1 comment:

  1. Ok! We should have some girl time! We can paint eachother's nails and talk about Myspace!
