Thursday, August 26, 2010

This Summer

Now before I start my common app work for the night, I feel like blogging again. And a topic I would like to address is this summer. The weird thing about this summer is "schedules". It's the kinda thing where I'll call up someone and be like "Hey! When do you wanna hang? Free today?" And the conversation goes something like "Oh no I have (work/practice/some other time commitment) does (blank) day work for you?" "Ahh no I have (another commitment) that day. What about...." and so on and so forth. Now we've been workin around schedules all junior year, ya know? This is nothin new. But the reason it SUCKS so much this summer, is that this is how life is gonna be now. It'll be even worse once all my friends and I go to college. And who knows about next summer! Unless everyone I know and love decides not to get a job (extremely unlikely), not take summer classes (even more unlikely, considering the tendencies of alot of people I know), and not leave on family vacations, next summer will be even more difficult to navigate though. Like, frick. I mean we've made the best of it. It has been a good summer, but the reality is last summer was mind blowingly awesome and this one was decent. Ehhhhhhhh I sound like a whiny teenager. I'm lucky to have a summer and time and all that. But I won't get another high school =/

Regardless of all this, today was a decent day. Woke up at 1, bought school stuff, went to work, went over to Rahul's and watched half of Toy Story 3 (:DDDDDDDDDDD)

Dear 11:11 wish that I missed,
Please add 6 more weeks to the summer, that'd be fine.
Amen <3

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