Friday, November 26, 2010

Just let me ramble a bit

Today was a very good day. I accomplished a lot of work, put up Christmas stuff, hung out with a cool person pretty much most of the day.
I'm really feeling Christmasy. Maybe it's just my family, but everyone is so much...glow-y around this time. And you're not as bothered by the little annoying things. Instead of piling up like usual,they evaporate. Which is a nice thought.

The four things on my mind right now are:
1) dubstep
2) cinnamon apple tea
3) my stupid career choice and Mark Zukerberg
4) scholarships

At first this list seems a bit intimidating, but the wonderful thing about fall break is it is chill as HELLLLLL. I could be any range of emotions right now, but I have no idea, cause it's so chill! I've come to appreciate chillness.
The silliest of the list, number 3. I just finished watching the social network ( it was pretty decent) and I got thinking about the whole career thing once more. Ya know I think I'm really jealous of super smart people. Like Mark Zukerberg. I wish I could do cool stuff like that. Obviously I couldn't invent facebook you get what I mean? There was a line in the movie where someone said "Harvard students invent careers for themselves"
And I think, hey, I could do that. But then I think, wait, am I smart enough to do that? Not that I doubt how if my brain works or not. Just know. I'm confident about myself...but not in that department. Because- who knows if I CAN be confident? I don't think I'm one of those people. Gah. I just don't want to go through life wondering if I could have done better. If I could've pushed myself more or aimed higher. Do other people do this? I certainly hope so...hah.
Are these blogs too long and rambly for anyone to actually read? Please let me know. And I hope I don't come off as whiny. Any help would be highly appreciated with the whole career thing btw.
Someone randomly just come up to me on the street and be like "hey! you'd be a great ______________"

That'd be nice but it's not gonna happen like that. At least I know I'm trying to work it out =)

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