Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why Today Was Awesome

It's 11:24, I need sleep desperately, but I need to get this down before I forget.

1) School was easy, lots of movies, lots of pre-Halloween candy
2) I drove myself to school and felt a unrestrained sense of freedom whilst doing so
3) We took down the field hockey stuff and I got to see jv again =) I also may be in the running for an assistant coach position next year.
4) Juhee is a cool chick.
5) I'm gonna be bat girl for Halloween. NANANANANANANANANANANA!
6) Me and Rahul hung out which created an afternoon/evening of euphoria,no kiddin
7) FREE JIMMY JOHNS!!! so dang good
8) We saw Andrea at work! and I learned how to correctly play a G chord!
9) Rahul and I (correct grammar for all you freaks) sat on a park bench in Northville and it was really fun
10) We got to drive the Edge too! Specialness!
11) The trees are gorgeous so we went to a park and went tree watching
12) It felt like a spring day!
13) Nonni's surgery went well =D
14) My mom didn't mind that I got home late
15) My Dad bought more candy from greenfield village
16) I found $20 in my pocket
17) Rahul is considering not taking linear algebra, score one for the underachievers!
18) "Down" came on the radio as soon as I turned it on
19) TV was really funny today
20) We're 2 days from the weekend
21) Studying was pretty easy cause I'm in such a happy mood
22) I feel really carpe-diemy and really giggly and really frickin happy
23) I have a semi-conversation with Jonathan Larson's sister. THE JULIE LARSON. Her brother Jonathan wrote RENT!. Big deal. Huge deal. She said that "she is always happy to hear about young people who love rent, its what Jonathan would've wanted" I cried.
24) Owl City has really cool lyrics like

then we'll take a long walk through the cornfield,
and I'll kiss you between the ears <3

I feel very content, very excited for life, very grateful for this day, very in love, and very not caring if this post is a paint splatter of happiness across this blog....cause life is cool like that.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Just Harvestin' Some Pineapples...

Oh farmville. Such a blessing...and yet such a curse. I've discovered the wonderful prosperity of being a pineapple farmer who specializes in diffrent flavored cows. I'd love to do that as a career =D but the farming business is a tricky one, gonna stick with plan A.
Today I figured out what I'm going to write about for NanoWrimo! You're supposed to write about something you know right? And while I am lacking in giant chunks of time to devote to this, I ruled out any plot ideas that involved research and/or a major amount of thinking. Which brought me to the I-Really-Hope-This-Isn't-Copying-Sourik's-Idea-Idea. I've decided to make an account of the adventures of the past 1-2 years of myself and my friends. It shall be divided up into sections, and basically be a short story collection that all have something to do with eachother. Names will be changed,but I'll be having fun with that XD. Hopefully it won't turn out to be another stupid teenager books-I want it to be deeper than that. A memoir almost. I'm excited XD
After spending a good 20 minutes harvesting my pineapple-y crops (while multitasking of course...) I've decided to actually start on some work. OH! So I did that status calculator thing on facebook and the 5 words I use most are "happy,day,today,excited,and good". I sure sound optimistic...which I am. Yay.

Friday, October 16, 2009

That Blogged Calmed Me Down!



I am frusterated. which should make for an interesting blog. I hate how ticked off I've become at this little thing. Its ridiculous. So I'm taking the PSAT tomorrow,told my parents about it and my dad is like "You should've probably studied for this one...". Well frick. I mean,frick. I didn't know it was important-I still don't think its that important. And just because I wanted to come home and chill for a bit and hang with the parentals, then go back over to Justin's house, now I can't leave. Danggit. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not ticked off and don't wanna come off as a whiny kid who doesn't know what shes got. I'm lucky my parents care. But its just this one instance...urg. I won't be able to hangout with people next weekend (possible fall retreat,gosh I don't even know if I can go now) and..though its not a huge deal, the promise of hanging out with people and getting that little taste of summer that we're so deprived of during the year is motivation. I always know that no matter what happens during the week, if I make it to friday, it'll be great real soon. My dad and I had this looooooooooooooooong talk about college and the future and all. They don't think I could make it at U of M. But I want to! I love Ann Arbor. I love languages. I wanna help people with my career and make enough to provide a good life for a family. I need a good education to get this,and though I can get one of those lots of places, it wouldn't be bad if it was from U of M. I feel like they should be more support...but I couldn't ask for more from them. My parents want me to be happy and suceed...but they're never really put STRONG pressure on me. A blessing, I guess. I'm glad they're not Nazis about grades and academics. But..I feel like if I would've cared more these past 2 years then I would be set. Its just grr. I'm not blaming it on them. Heck,I'm complaining about a lack of pressure and just today when my Dad mentions the tiniest bit, I get annoyed. Hypocritical dontcha think? I would've rather spent these past 3 hours hanging out instead of planting pineapples of farmville,but can't change it. Luckily, there are 3 different flavors of ice cream in the fridge, and Guns N' Roses. Haha, I still wanna play monopoly ^-^

Said sugar take it slow
And things will be just fine
All we need is just a little patience

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Carpe Diem and All

today was a good day =) we watched Dead Poet's Society in AP Lang. Quite a good movie. Also, I'm now officially doing NanoWrimo. No idea how I'm gonna find the time but it'll be fun. I'm REALLY REALLY excited cause I have 2 new ideas for some short films, as well as a major plot now. I always love makin lil movies. One is going to be an entry for this Wendy's contest, and (if I get around to it and don't flake out like normally) a documentary sort of thing about NanoWrimo. I think it'd be pretty cool-now I just need a better camera. Oh, and I have no idea about what I'm writing for NanoWrimo. I should put some thought into that. Too bad it can't be a collection of poetry or somethin...thatd be alot easier. Ohwell it sounds like a good challenge. I actually need to get started on my homework today, well, what homework I do have. As long as I'm not stupid and blow it off, me and Rahul might be able to hang today (=D) I feel really good right now. Not for like,outstanding reasons, but just cause I feel really content. Yay.
In other news, I'm walkin with a limp like I'm Dr.House. Kinda cool.

Monday, October 12, 2009


So I abandoned the blog again. But now I'm back. I've realized it doesn't matter and I'm not going to continue offering explanations for my frequent comings and goings. Sometimes its a good time or year to blog and sometimes one may fall into a trench of not wanting to blog. And here we are!
I was planning on editing my AP Lang essay starting at 3:30. It is now 3:35. Blogging is more important anyway. Its my first day "off",I guess you could say. Can't play field hockey for a week-I got whacked with a stick during our tournament on Saturday. It happens,though. Gave me more time to study, which I unsurprisingly haven't utilized yet =P
School years been alright so far. Last week was probably the least-good week I've had in awhiiiile. I blame it on not recovering from homecoming sleep and such. But today was good =) for a monday it was quite impressive! Life is interesting in an almost unexpected way... like I don't know whats coming up next now that field hockey is winding down. Hopefully I won't waste my life like I just did in this past hour on facebook,eating captn' crunch and sunchips while blogging.
I'm listening to Dashboard Confessional. While they're not the greatest thing on earth, they're ok ya know? I like "The Rush". Quality lyrics and cool music =D Hey maybe blogging will improve my english skills,which are (apparently) immature. Hah.